As you step into your 50s, most of you will also be entering into menopause. Menopause isn’t an illness, but a phase in life which for some is smooth and for some a little difficult.

Menopause or climacteric is a phase that a woman enters in her 50s where her ovaries stop producing estrogen. In layman terms, a woman stops having her monthly menstrual periods. It is signaled by 12 months since you last had your periods.

This stage consists of three phases, namely perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause.

Pre-menopause starts 8-10 years before you hit actual menopause. This is a phase where your body gradually starts producing less estrogen. This stage usually starts in your late 40s and goes until your menopause.

The menopause stage is marked by irregularity in your menstrual cycle, it is important to say here that these irregularities should be natural and not subject to any drug usage or
medication. Some women even witness other symptoms like dry vaginas, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings and in some depression etc.

Post Menopause in simpler terms is your life after menopause. This is signaled after 12
consecutive months of no menstrual flow in a woman.

While menopause is a natural transition of your body, and for most of the women it’s a normal and easy change and does not necessarily need medication or medical attention. Though it is advisable to see your gynecologist from time to time to ensure that your sail through this healthy. The doctors usually provide medication only when the need is.

While menopause is a natural transition of your body, and for most of the women it’s a normal and easy change and does not necessarily need medication or medical attention. Though it is advisable to see your gynecologist from time to time to ensure that your sail through this healthy. The doctors usually provide medication only when the need is.

In case your doctor feels the treatment is mandatory, he/she generally goes ahead with either of the following:

  • Low-dose oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

    These are given in premenopausal stage to reduce instances of hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. Based on your medical history and your lifestyle the doctor will prescribe the pill.

  • Prescription Medicines

    These medicines are usually used for other purposes and are prescription medicines which help in hot flashes and moodiness. Some of these medicines are used in treating depression and high blood pressure.

  • Menopausal Hormone Therapy

    As with any hormone therapy, this too has certain risks involved with it and is prescribed only in severe conditional of menopause like heavy blood flow.

  • Over the counter medicines

    These medicines are used to treat vaginal discomfort. Water based lubricants are prescribed to women like some vaginal moisturizer that helps in lubrication and keeping vaginal tissues moisturized.

  • Prescription Medicine for Vaginal Discomfort

    These are prescribed when over the counter medicine (OTC) do not work. The treatment includes vaginal creams, rings, tables or estrogen creams that are to be put in the vagina. But in cases of severe vaginal dryness, menopausal hormone therapy or patch is recommended by gynecologists.

  • Some Natural Remedy

    Regular exercising like walking/ jogging and generally keeping yourself active is the best way to deal with this life transition. Other than that, try having fruits rich in antioxidants and phytosterols and foods rich in iron, fibre, and calcium. This will not only help during the period but also in the post-menopausal stage.

We would like to assert it again, that menopause is a natural transition and not a disease. Also, we want you to understand that it’s important to regularly see your doctor and avoid self-medicating yourself.