Early Age Of Menopause

Gone are the days, when stepping into your mid 50-s meant the onset of menopause.Nowadays, with changing lifestyle and medical issues some women witness the early onset of menopause or as it is called premature menopause. Unlike natural menopause which starts at
an average if 51-52 years of age, women have started hitting menopause as early as the late 30s to early 40s.
Blame this change to ever changing lifestyle but, a woman can have premature menopause also because of genetics, illness, or medical procedures and this can be nature premature menopause or an induced one.
As it is with a female reproductive cycle, any or all menstrual symptoms take a toll on mental health as well and women undergo mood swings and other emotional concerns. A woman, especially, if she is planning to start a family and conceive in her late 30s as she is likely to face
trouble. Let us give you some insight into the same with symptoms, diagnosis etc:

Symptoms Of Premature menopause

These symptoms of premature menopause are not entirely different from women who experience natural menopause in their 50s.

  • Missed/irregular Periods

    The first telltale sign is missed or irregular period. If you have missed a month or two of your periods, you should see your gynecologist. Similarly, a normal menstrual cycle is 28-30 days long and getting early or late by a day or even two is normal, but if this has become a pattern or you have always been regular on periods and have recently are irregular then it’s better to see a gynecologist. It necessarily might not be a red flag could just be because of your eating habit, change in weight or lifestyle but it’s always safe to safe to see a gynecologist.

  • Lighter or Heavier Periods

    if your blood flows are either heavier than you usually have or lighter then you should see your doctor. Your gynecologist would run a few tests to ensure everything is fine.

  • Hot Flashes

    Hot flashes are the most common symptom of both premature menopause
    and natural menopause. If you suddenly feel a rush a heat and sweat, then you are
    experiencing hot flashes. Some women also experience rapid heart and chills and can
    also happen at night time making it difficult to nap.

  • Vaginal Dryness

    Unlike its natural condition, the vagina feels dry, less flexible and
    thinner than usual.

  • Dry Skin and Mouth

    A sudden change in the texture of your skin, the skin feels dry and
    chapped. Your mouth feels dry even after gulping down glasses of water.

  • Decreased Sex Drive and Loss in Bladder Control

    The worst part is inconsistency in bowel movements and bladder irritability. Also, a sudden drop in sex drive also indicates a premature menopause.

What Causes Premature Menopause?

If you have above-listed symptoms and are under 40 and have undergone any of the following, then it’s better to go see your gynecologist.

  1. You have had chemotherapy of radiation.
  2. Somebody in your family had had premature menopause like you mother or sister.
  3. You have been unsuccessfully trying to become pregnant and it’s been more than a
  4. If you or your family suffer from some autoimmune disorder like lupus, hypothyroidism


Please do not rely on information fetched through Google and self-diagnose yourself. Go and see your gynecologist. Your doctor will perform a physical examination and take your blood sample to rule out other possibilities like pregnancy or thyroid. There will also be a test to measure your estradiol level wherein low levels of estradiol will indicate failing of ovaries. If estradiol levels are below 30 that it might indicate you are in menopause. A blood test will also be performed to FSH levels. If your FSH levels have risen above 40mlU/ml, then it usually indicates you are in menopause.


The treatment is similar to that of natural menopause and your doctor might give you some medication based on your condition.